Sunday, June 21, 2015


I want to get rid of all cynicism from my heart. Not to believe the best against all evidence to the contrary, but where there's information lacking, to believe the positive interpretation, not the negative interpretation, of someone's behavior or speech, and where people act according to a mix of motives, to focus on and give recognition to the their higher and more nobler ones.

I'm not sure that, in a closed system, it would be good if everyone were to adopt this as their mode of being, but there should be at least some people like that, shouldn't there? And isn't that what we all want from others? And don't we all feel a sense of relief when we get it, especially in situations when we are otherwise met with mockery, scorn, disdain, and hostility--a sense of the beautiful and lovely, a sense of the preciousness and value of the psychological hospitality that one human being can offer another? 

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